The Average Rice Purity Test Scores (2024 Data)

The Rice Purity Test is a type of quiz that gives you a score based on things you have or haven’t done. The higher the score, the less life experiences you have had. The lower the score, the more things you have done.

Our data shows the average scores from boys and girls from different countries. For example, boys in America scored an average of 56.1 and girls scored 59.9. This means that on average, girls in America are slightly more ‘pure’ or less experienced than boys.

The score also varies by age. As you might guess, as people get older and experience more things, their score goes down.

The last part shows that even our personalities can influence our score. People with ISTJ personality type (introverted, observant, thinking, and judging) scored an average of 90, which is pretty high! But, people with ESTP personality type (extroverted, observant, thinking, and prospecting) scored an average of 72, which is lower.

Remember, this is just a fun quiz. It doesn’t measure if you’re a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ person. It just counts the number of things you have or haven’t done!

Rice Purity Test Average Scores Country and Gender

CountryAvg. Boys ScoreAvg. Girls Score
United States56.159.9
United Kingdom5154.6
New Zealand41.440.1

As you can see, the scores vary greatly between boys and girls depending on the country.

See also  How Safe Is The Rice Purity Test?

Interesting, isn’t it?

The average Rice Purity score by age and gender

Age GroupWomen Average Rice Purity ScoreMen Average Rice Purity Score
18 ~ 2489.2487.36
25 ~ 3479.6874.05
35 ~ 4471.1171.03
45 ~ 5467.1962.83
55 ~ 6466.2261.12

Average Rice Purity Score by Continent

ContinentAvg. Score
North America62
South America58
Antarctica *65

Official Rice Purity Test Statistics

Thresher reports that the mean score of the Rice Purity Test is 61.46, concluded from 124,952 participants’ results. The test records reveal that 2,719 people achieved a flawless score of 100, while 336 individuals astonishingly scored a total of zero.

Rice Purity Score & 16 Personality Types

The Rice Purity Score and the 16 Personality Types offer fascinating insights into the behaviours and traits of different individuals. The Rice Purity Score evaluates the degree of innocence of a person on a scale from 0 to 100, while the 16 Personality Types, established by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, classifies people based on their cognitive functions. In an intriguing study conducted from 2019 to 2022, survey participants undertook both tests and the results were analysed. The following data presents the average Rice Purity Scores achieved by people of varying personality types. Discover where you stand in comparison to others with your personality type, as we delve into these compelling findings.

Personality TypeAvg. ScorePersonality TypeAvg. Score
See also  List of variations of the Rice Purity Test (2024)
average Rice purity test scores by age

What next?

We encourage you to hop over to our website to take the official Rice Purity Test. If you want instructions, read our article about how to take the Rice Purity Test.

Your results will remain confidential and won’t be used for anything beyond this personal assessment. It’s a perfectly safe, fun and insightful way to see how ‘pure’ or ‘worldly’ you might be.

A fun thing to do afterwards is to compare yourself to the best and the worst Rice Purity Test scores.

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